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AWS OpenSearch (elasticsearch)

You can go to environments >> infrastructure >> new resource >> elasticsearch and spin it up.

Some example values that you can use:

name = "my-es-instance"
elasticsearch_version = "7.10"
vpc_enabled = false

availability_zone_count = 2
instance_type = "t3.small.elasticsearch"
instance_count_per_az = 1
ebs_volume_size = 25

dedicated_master_enabled = false
dedicated_master_count = 0
dedicated_master_type = ""

create_iam_service_linked_role = true # only for the first time you create an elasticsearch cluster per aws account

dns_zone_id = ""
kibana_hostname_enabled = false
domain_hostname_enabled = false
elasticsearch_subdomain_name = ""
kibana_subdomain_name = ""

advanced_security_options_enabled = true
advanced_security_options_internal_user_database_enabled = true
advanced_security_options_master_user_name = "myadminusername"
advanced_security_options_master_user_password = "WeakPass1$"

Note that:

vpc_enabled = true means it will be accessible only within the environment VPC with no public access. vpc_enabled = false will enable public access.

Once the resource is created, you will have to go to environments >> logs to check out the URLs at which elasticsearch and kibana are going to be accessible.